Correct Way to Deal with Youth

Young people make up a significant portion of the population. So, we need to know the correct way to behave with them and due to the particular and sensitive spirit of young people and their important role in society this issue has a double significance.
The fact is that many people cannot find the correct way to deal with youth and for this reason many problems arise. For example in the face of a young man’s first mistake they get angry and after that blame him or her for a long time!

So, what is the correct way? The sacred religion of Islam has valuable directives in this regard:

“The right of him who is younger than you is that you have compassion on him, train and educate him, pardon him, and cover up his faults, be gentle with him and help him, cover up the guilt of his juvenility because this will make him repent; treat him with patience, and stop quarreling with him. This will lead him to more sensible conduct.” (The Treatise on Rights)


Overlooking people’s mistakes is known as an important teaching in Islam as we can read in the following tradition:

“Half of (the nature of) the believer is overlooking mistakes.” (Guftar-i-Falsafi, v.1, p.405)

And about young people it is a priority because they are less experienced and to compensate for the error they need to have the opportunity.

We should remember that ignoring the small mistakes of youth, is a way to prevent them from various deviations and faults. Undoubtedly this method of management is one of the foundations of the development of children’s personality. If used properly and directed well, it can lead to their prosperity.
