Your brother is Your Back to Whom You Seek Refuge

One of the closest people to every man is his/her brother. Brother is a symbol of love and support.
Two forms of brotherhood can be imagined. One is a blood and genetic relationship that is being born of the same parents.
Another form of brotherhood that is mentioned in Islamic texts comes through common belief. In this form all the Muslims has related together and these intimate relationships has become the source of unity of all the Muslims in the world.
In this regard The Holy Qur’an says: “The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear God, that ye may receive Mercy.” (49:10)

And this verse is considered one of the most important slogans of Islam.


Of course the position of brotherhood like other important positions follows some issues that need to be considered. In this regard Imam Sajjad (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

“And the right of your brother is that you should know that he is your hand that you extend, and your back to whom you seek refuge, and your power upon whom you rely, and your might with which you compete. Take him not as a weapon with which to disobey God, nor as a means with which to violate God’s rights. And do not neglect to help him against his own self and support him against his enemy, and intervene between him and his devils, and give him good counsel, and associate with him for God’s sake. Then if he obeys his Lord and is responsible towards Him properly it is fine. Else God should be more preferable and more honorable to you than he is.” (The Treatise on Rights, right n.25)