Your wife is God’s Favor toward you

The marriage and establishment of family is the best way to prevent adultery and the corruption of the society. The husband and wife build a home upon love, comfort and delight in which the couple shall live together their whole life, and raise boys and girls to continue the human society. This structure is only firm if both of husband and wife know about the mutual rights. Here we are going to write about the rights of wife.


Imam Sajjad (the fourth Imam of Muslims) said:

“And the right of your wife is that you should know that God has made her a repose, a comfort and a companion, and a protector for you. It is incumbent upon each of you to thank God for the other and realize that the other one is God’s blessing for you. It is obligatory to be a good companion for God’s blessing, and to honor her and treat her gently… She should enjoy the rights of mercy and intimacy, as she is an object of tranquility. You should care for her through consummation of the lust that must be consummated. And that is surely great. And there is no power but in God. (The Treatise on Rights, right n.20)

The Rights of People upon the Ruler

It is necessary to be a ruler in each society in order to run the affairs. Because a peaceful and strong society is the one in which there is a strong rule upon which security and order are established. This goal is achieved only in the presence of a mighty ruler.

On the other hand, there are people. The sacred religion of Islam stresses on the right of people and states that the ruler should be fair to the people due to the power that he/she has.


So what are the rights of people upon the ruler? Imam Sajjad (the fourth Imam of Muslims) has said:

“Then the right of your subjects through authority is that you should know that you have authority over them due to your power over them, and that they have been made your subjects through their weakness and humility. What do they deserve whose weakness and humility have made them your subjects, and made your authority over them effective? They cannot disobey you by their own might and power. They cannot find a supporter against your power except God, His Mercy and Protection and patience. How proper it is for you to recognize that God has granted you this increased might and power with which you have subdued others. You should be thankful to God. And God will increase His Graces to those who thank Him. And there is no power but from God.” (The Treatise on Rights, right n.18)

An Arrival at the Threshold of God

Have you ever thought about the right of prayer (Namaz)? Yes! The right of prayer! It may surprise you but if you know the importance of prayer you will acknowledge it. There are certain etiquettes for standing before an important person let alone standing before God.

“Then the right of your ritual prayer is that you should know that it is an arrival at the threshold of God and that through it you are standing before God.” (Imam Sajjad, the Treatise on Rights, right n.10)
The God who created the universe and the life and death of beings are in his hand. “And when you realize that, then you will stand in the station of him who is lowly, vile, beseeching, trembling, hopeful, fearful, and abased. And you will magnify Him Who is before you through stillness, and bowing of the head, and humbleness of the limbs, and yielding of the wing, and by saying the best supplications to Him in yourself and beseeching Him to release (from punishment) your neck that is encompassed by your offenses and destroyed by your sins. And there is no power but in God.” (Ibid)


Yes dears! The main problem with today’s humans is the lack of a true relationship with God. And until this problem is not solved other problems will not be resolved.

Which Are Better? Private or Public Charity

The charity can be practiced with two forms: Private and public. Of course there is no doubt that both forms are good because one important goal of charity is economic benefit that help to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor. The Holy Quran says: “If ye disclose (acts of) charity, even so it is well, but if ye conceal them, and make them reach those (really) in need, that is best for you: It will remove from you some of your (stains of) evil. And God is well acquainted with what ye do.” (2:271)
But between private and public charity which form is recommended? Before answering this question it is nice to refer to a matter of Islamic teachings. Islam teaches us that what is donated in charity will reach God first and it will not get lost. Indeed it is a storing away with The Lord. So, no matter whether anyone is aware or not. Hence, due to God knows it, giving charity in private is better than in public.


In this regard, Imam Sajjad (the fourth Imam of Muslims) has said: “It is more appropriate for you to do privately what you now do in public and keep the affairs between you and Him [God] secret under all circumstances. And you should also not take your hearing and sight as witnesses for the donations that you make in charity as if you have the most trust in yourself. It should not be as if you are not sure that your donations will be returned to you.” (The Treatise on Rights, Right n.13)


The Charity Is a Storing Away With Your Lord

“Nor forget thy portion in this world…” (The Holy Qur’an, 28:77)
Islamic teachings are based on reality. So, Islam has never commanded almsgiving entire property because the person will be poor. And it is unacceptable to Islam because one of the main goals of Islam is the elimination of poverty.
Hence, Charity in Islam is according to the financial ability of each individual and it is a form of savings. It might seem to us that we lose what we give away in charity while it is not so. Imam Sajjad (the fourth Imam of Muslims) has said: “And the right of charity is that you should know that it is a storing away with your Lord and a deposit for which you will have no need for witnesses, Then once you know this you will be more confident of it if you donate it in secret than if you donate it in public.” (The Treatise on Rights, Right n.13)


Although both forms of public and private charities are beneficial but Imam highly stresses giving charity in private. Charity in private is safe from some pests such hypocrisy. Imam Hossein (the third Imam of Muslims) said: “Giving charity in secret will quench the Wrath of the Lord and wipe out wrong-doings just as water puts out fire. It will also ward off seventy types of calamities.” (Wasa’il al-Shi’ah, p.277)

As it is said, both forms of charities are beneficial. Let’s try. 

A Little about God

Sometimes it is good to write a little about God. He who created all creatures and us and also created all things we need. Do you thank God after eating food? What about after drinking water? Or when you are breathing or walking? These are all God’s blessings and he is able to foreclose. But the Lord is very compassionate towards His creatures. We do bad things, but he is still good. We’re guilty but he is still merciful.

What is good that we respect the rights of God. Imam Sajjad (the fourth Imam of Muslims) says: “Then the greatest right of God incumbent upon you is that you worship Him without associating anything with Him. When you do that with sincerity, He has made it binding upon Himself to give you sufficiency in the affairs of this world and the next and to keep for you whatever of them that you like.” (The Treatise on Rights, Right n.1)


God is considered the cause of everything in the Islamic world-outlook and in monotheistic philosophical schools of thought. So, why should we not rely on God? Other than him, no one can help us.

Say “It is God that deliver you from these and all (other) distresses: and yet ye worship false gods!” (The Holy Qur’an, 6:64)

How Can We Protect Private Parts from Unlawful?

It is said that we should protect our private parts from everything that is unlawful for us like adultery. But how is it possible? Because Sexual instinct is a very strong instinct that attract men and women towards each other and … .
So, what is the solution?
The sacred religion of Islam presents some practical solution. Imam Sajjad (the fourth Imam of Muslims) says: “[for protection of your private part from unlawful things] help it by lowering your eyes – this is certainly the best way to help it.” (The Treatise on Rights, Right n.9)
The eyes must be closed to what is forbidden by God because some looks in fact are poisonous dart from Satan. Imam Sadiq (the sixth Imam of Muslims) has said: “A [dirty] look is a poisonous dart from the darts of Satan. How many a look has caused long-lasting regret.” (Al-Kafi, v.5, p.559)
A dirty look will tear down the veils of modesty and chastity and the probability of committing adultery increases extremely. Blessed is the person who protects his/her looks.


And for protection private part “you should also remember death often, and threaten yourself with God and try to make yourself fear God. Preservation from sin and receiving help in so doing are possible by God’s help. There is no strength or power but in Him.” (Right n.9)

The remembrance of death causes to stay away from forbidden pleasures. Imam Sadiq (the sixth Imam of Muslims) said: “The remembrance of death kills desires.” (Majmu’ah Waram, p.268)

At the end it is nice to mention that besides not view forbidden scenes and the remembrance of death, the only correct way to fulfillment sexual instinct is the marriage.

The Rights Of Private Part

Private part is the main limb concerning sexual instinct. This limb of human body is created wisely and each of the men and women has their own.
However, do you know that the private parts, like other limbs, have own rights? Have you ever thought in this regard? The sacred religion of Islam even has some useful advices in this regard.

Imam Sajjad (the fourth Imam of Muslims) in his “The Treatise on Rights” has said: “And the right of your private part is that you should protect it from everything that is unlawful for you.” (Right n.9)
What Imam Sajjad (Peace Be upon Him) means by “protecting your private part” is covering it from people’s eyes. In other words, you must protect it from fornication and guard it against being looked upon.


Nowadays, unfortunately, these things are not respected. Some people let loose their sexual instinct absolutely free and they do not care for anything but fun. This extremist theory causes many problems for human society.  The increase of Adultery, Abortion and Divorce Statistics, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, loss of trust between family members, are some of these problems.

So, there is no choice but to return to the Divine teachings. We must believe God who created us, Knows what is best for us.

The Right of Your Legs

Have you ever thought about your feet? Those two organs that help us to walk and are like two parallel lines. In our country, some people liken each of the legs to number one and say them together eleven and believe that they are the cheapest and most available means of transport.
However, the value and importance of the legs is no secret. So, what is our duty now? What is the proper use of this great blessing? Imam Sajjad (the fourth Imam of Muslims) answers this question:

“And the right of your legs is that you walk not with them toward that which is unlawful for you. And you should not direct them in the way that will lead the person they carry to being debased. Your legs will carry you in the direction of the religion and they will help you go ahead. And there is no power but in God.” (The Treatise on Rights, right n.6)


Be careful! Improper use of the legs has very bad consequences. Because in The Day of Judgment people’s body parts like legs will witness:

“On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear witness against them as to their actions…” [The Holy Qur’an, 24:24]

Some commentators believe that our body parts will certainly carry the effects of what was done by them during our lifetime. The appearance of these effects is like them witnessing. A Persian poet said: “The color of the face witnesses about the secret within.”

However we are responsible for the action of our legs and we will be asked about blessings.

Do Not Prevent Your Hands from God’s Commandments

Living without hands is inconceivable for most of us indeed it is like a horrible nightmare. The reason is clear, because most of our work is done by hands, seemingly insignificant things like opening and closing buttons on clothing and important tasks like driving. Our two hands are important God-given blessings that has been bestowed us.
So, what is our duty? As you know crimes are committed using hands and the hands are also considered to be the source of corruption such as stealing.


So, what is the correct way to use your hands? You can read the answer in following terms by Imam Sajjad (The fourth Imam of Muslims):

“And the right of your hand is that you stretch it not toward that which is unlawful to you. Should you do so, you will be chastised by God in the future. And you are not secure from the blameful tongue of the people now, either. Do not prevent your hands from performing what God has made obligatory for them. You should honor your hands in such a way as to prevent them from engaging in many of the deeds that are not allowed for them. You should let them engage in many deeds that are not harmful for them. If they are used by the intellect and with honor now, then they are bound to receive a good reward in the future.” (The Treatise on Rights, right n.7)